Ming-Qi's Ph. D Defense (2003):
(Prof. Sun (Chair of the commitee) anounces the result of the defense. From left to right: Ming-Qi, Jing-Luo, Ming-Wei, Prof. Xin Sun (Fudan Univ.),
Prof. Dr. Bang-Fen Zhu (Tsinghua Univ.), Prof. Dr. Shi-Jie Xiong (Nanjing Univ.), and Prof. Dr. Kai Chang (Inst. of Semiconductors))
(Ming-Wei presents a gift to Ming-Qi for his success in Ph. D Defense.)
(From left to right: Jin-Luo (defense secretary), Ming-Wei, Prof. Dr. Bang-Feng Zhu, Ming-Qi, Prof. Xin Sun (Chair), Prof. Dr. Shi-Jie Xiong, and
Prof. Dr. Kai Chang.)