2004 Spring BBQ Party (March, 2004):

All the members and special guests in the BBQ party.

From the left to the right: Lei Jiang, Qing-Wei Shi, Jian-Hua Jiang, Prof. Hai Ming (Special Guest), Ming-Wei Wu, Prof. Xiao-Lian Wang (Special Guest).

From the left to the right: Yuan-Yuan Wang, Wei Sun, Jing-Luo Cheng, Chuan Lue, Mrs. Ru-Wei Liu (Special Guest), Ming-Qi Weng, and Lei Jiang.

From the left to the right: Esther, Ming-Wei Wu, Prof. Xiao-Lian Wang (Special Guest), Prof. Hai Ming (Special Guest), Jun Zhou, Jian-Hua Jiang, Mrs. Bao-Zhu Chen (Special Guest), Lei Jiang, Qing-Wei Shi, and X"u-Yang Zhang (local host).

From the front to the back: Esther, Ming-Wei Wu, Prof. Xiao-Lian Wang (Special Guest), Mrs. Bao-Zhu Chen (Special Guest), Prof. Hai Ming (Special Guest), Jian-Hua Jiang, Lei Jiang, and Qin-Wei Shi.

Special Guests with Esther.